‘Act for Catalonia’, Òmnium’s new international campaign

Omnium Cultural has launched Act for Catalonia a new international campaign to ask the main European leaders to contact the Spanish PM, Pedro Sánchez, and urge him to sit down at the negotiating table with Catalonia’s representatives to achieve a political solution for the conflict. Òmnium, Spain’s leading cultural NGO with 180.000 members, calls on European citizens to contact their political representatives to press the Spanish government.
By using a digital platform, disseminated via online advertising, citizens from Germany. France and the UK will be able to contact directly Angela Merkel, Emmanuel Macron and Boris Johnson respectively; through messages via official forms and tweets. They read: “I call upon you to convey to the Spanish PM the need to free the Catalan leaders and begin a process of dialogue to find a political solution for the conflict between Catalonia and Spain”. In a second phase in 2020, this campaign will be extended in the rest of European countries.
Websites for each country
France: http://actforcatalonia.fr/
Germany: http://actforcatalonia.de/
United Kingdom: http://actforcatalonia.co.uk/
Advert / Video for the UK, featured by Toby Harper